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Other publications of authors with the same name

Pathways from the periphery: The politics of growth in the newly industrializing countries. Cornell University Press, Ithaca, (1990)The political feasibility of adjustment in developing countries, , and . Political feasibility of adjustment OECD, Paris, (1995)The United States and the regionalisation of the world economy, and . OECD documents on sale OECD, Paris, (1992)The political economy of democratic transitions, and . Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ, (1995)Developing nations and the politics of global integration. Integrating national economies Brookings Inst., Washington, DC, (1995)The political feasibility of adjustment in the Philippines, and . Political feasibility of adjustment OECD, Paris, (1994)Pathways from the periphery. Cornell studies in political economy Cornell Univ. Press, Ithaca, NY u.a., 5. printing edition, (1996)The political economy of the Asian financial crisis. Inst. for Internat. Economics, Washington, DC, (2000)