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Neural-network based structural health monitoring with wireless sensor networks., , , , , и . ICNC, стр. 163-167. IEEE, (2013)Automatic facial expression recognition based on a deep convolutional-neural-network structure., , , , и . SERA, стр. 123-128. IEEE, (2017)Dynamic Modeling of Failure Events in Preventative Pipe Maintenance., , , , и . IEEE Access, (2018)Tangless: Optimizing Cost and Transaction Rate in IOTA by Using Lyapunov Optimization Theory., , и . MSN, стр. 295-303. IEEE, (2022)Efficient privacy-preserving schemes for dot-product computation in mobile computing., , , , , и . PAMCO@MobiHoc, стр. 51-59. ACM, (2016)An extensible and flexible truthful auction framework for heterogeneous spectrum markets., , , и . MobiHoc, стр. 175-184. ACM, (2014)Combining LPP with PCA for microarray data clustering., , и . IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, стр. 2081-2086. IEEE, (2008)The Tempo-spatial Properties of Information Dissemination to Time-Varying Destination Areas in Mobile Opportunistic Networks., , , , , и . WASA, том 8491 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 436-445. Springer, (2014)A Comparison Study: Web Pages Categorization with Bayesian Classifiers., , , и . HPCC, стр. 789-794. IEEE Computer Society, (2008)Poster: Perturbation Based Private Profile Matching in Social Networks., , , , , и . PAC, стр. 198-199. IEEE, (2017)