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Inferences on the means of lognormal distributions using generalized p-values and generalized confidence intervals, and . Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 115 (1): 103--121 (Jul 1, 2003)Assessing occupational exposure via the one-way random effects model with unbalanced data, and . Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 128 (1): 219--229 (Jan 15, 2005)Non-existence of unbiased estimators of ordered parameters, , and . Statistics, 16 (1): 89--95 (1985)Handbook of Statistical Distributions with Applications. (2006)A parametric bootstrap approach for ANOVA with unequal variances: Fixed and random models, , and . Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 51 (12): 5731--5742 (Aug 15, 2007)Inferences on correlation coefficients: One-sample, independent and correlated cases, and . Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 137 (7): 2362--2379 (Jul 1, 2007)Computing discrete mixtures of continuous distributions: noncentral chisquare, noncentral t and the distribution of the square of the sample multiple correlation coefficient, and . Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, (2003)A simple improved inferential method for some discrete distributions, and . Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 48 (3): 605--621 (Mar 1, 2005)An exact method of testing equality of several binomial proportions to a specified standard, , and . Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 45 (4): 697--707 (May 10, 2004)Inferences on the difference and ratio of the means of two inverse Gaussian distributions, and . Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 138 (7): 2082--2089 (Jul 1, 2008)