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Semi-blind locally optimum detection for spectrum sensing in cognitive radio., , и . ICASSP, стр. 2962-2965. IEEE, (2010)On spectrum occupancy measurements at 2.4 GHz ISM band for cognitive radio applications., , , , и . CONIELECOMP, стр. 25-31. IEEE, (2016)Superimposed Training Combined Approach for a Reduced Phase of Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Radio., , , , , и . Sensors, 19 (11): 2425 (2019)Reduced Complexity K-Best Decoder via Adaptive Symbol Constellation for Uncoded MIMO Wireless Systems., , , , и . IEICE Trans. Commun., 100-B (2): 336-343 (2017)Performance of MADM algorithms with real spectrum measurements for spectrum decision in cognitive radio networks., , , и . CCE, стр. 1-6. IEEE, (2014)Superimposed training-based detector for spectrum sensing in cognitive radio., , , , и . CCE, стр. 1-6. IEEE, (2016)Sensing-throughput optimization for cognitive radio networks under outage constraints and hard decision fusion., , , и . CONIELECOMP, стр. 80-86. IEEE, (2015)A Semifixed Complexity Sphere Decoder for Uncoded Symbols for Wireless Communications., , , и . IEICE Trans. Commun., 97-B (12): 2776-2783 (2014)A Low-Complexity Antenna Selection Algorithm for Cooperative Sensor Networks., , , , , и . CCECE, стр. 1-4. IEEE, (2018)An analysis of spectrum occupancy upon the analog switch-off in the City of San Luis Potosi, Mexico., , , , , и . LATINCOM, стр. 1-6. IEEE, (2017)