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On Extensions of Embeddings into the Enumeration Degrees of the -Sets., , и . J. Math. Log., (2005)Pi0a Classes and Minimal Degrees., и . Ann. Pure Appl. Log., 87 (2): 117-144 (1997)A basis theorem for perfect sets., и . Bull. Symb. Log., 4 (2): 204-209 (1998)When Oracles Do Not Help., и . COLT, стр. 379-383. Morgan Kaufmann, (1991)Normal Numbers and the Borel Hierarchy., , и . CoRR, (2013)The n-R.E. Degrees: Undecidability and σ1 Substructures., , и . J. Math. Log., 12 (1): 1250005 (2012)On the Strength of Ramsey's Theorem., и . Notre Dame J. Formal Log., 36 (4): 570-582 (1995)On the theory of the PTIME degrees of the recursive sets., и . SCT, стр. 252-257. IEEE Computer Society, (1988)The Global Structure of the Turing Degrees.. Handbook of Computability Theory, том 140 из Studies in Logic and the Foundations of Mathematics, North-Holland, (1999)The Theory of the Metarecursively Enumerable Degrees., , и . J. Math. Log., (2006)