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Weitere Publikationen von Autoren mit dem selben Namen

Acquisition of a biped walking pattern using a Poincare map., , , und . Humanoids, Seite 912-924. IEEE, (2004)ETL-Humanoid: A Research Vehicle for Open-Ended Action Imitation., , und . ISRR, Volume 6 von Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics, Seite 67-82. Springer, (2001)Examining human walking characteristics with a telescopic compass-like biped walker model., und . SMC (2), Seite 1538-1543. IEEE, (2004)Inverse kinematics with floating base and constraints for full body humanoid robot control., , , und . Humanoids, Seite 22-27. IEEE, (2008)Realising Herbert: An affordable design approach of an anthropometrically correct compliant humanoid robot., und . Humanoids, Seite 7-12. IEEE, (2014)Simultaneous adaptation to rough terrain and unknown external forces for biped humanoids., und . Humanoids, Seite 19-26. IEEE, (2007)Gravity Compensation and Full-Body Balancing for Humanoid Robots., und . Humanoids, Seite 214-221. IEEE, (2006)Accelerometer based robotic joint orientation estimation., , und . Humanoids, Seite 67-74. IEEE, (2011)Real-time stereo facial feature tracking: mimicking human mouth movement on a humanoid robot head., , und . Humanoids, Seite 363-368. IEEE, (2005)A Self-Verifying Cognitive Architecture for Robust Bootstrapping of Sensory-Motor Skills via Multipurpose Predictors., und . IEEE Trans. Cognitive and Developmental Systems, 10 (4): 1081-1095 (2018)