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Tracheid diameter is the key trait determining the extent of freezing-induced embolism in conifers

, and . Tree Physiology, (2003)

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Tracheid diameter is the key trait determining the extent of freezing-induced embolism in conifers, and . Tree Physiology, (2003)Evolution of water transport and xylem structure. International Journal of Plant Sciences, (2003)The relationship between xylem conduit diameter and cavitation caused by freezing, , and . American Journal of Botany, 86 (10): 1367--1372 (1999)Patterns in hydraulic architecture and their implications for transport efficiency, and . Tree Physiology, (2005)Freezing-induced xylem cavitation and the northern limit of @Larrea tridentata, and . Oecologia, (1997)Limits to water transport in Juniperus osteosperma and Pinus edulis: implications fo drought tolerance and regulation of transpiration, , and . Functional Ecology, (1998)Xylem embolism in ring-porous, diffuse-porous and coniferous trees of northern Utah and Interior Alaska, , , and . Ecology, 75 (6): 1736--1752 (1994)Limits to xylem refilling under negative pressure in Laurus nobilis and Acer negundo, and . Plant, Cell and Environment, (2003)Xylem embolism in response to freeze-thaw cycles and water stress in ring-porous, diffuse porous and conifer species, and . Plant Physiology, (1992)Stomatal conductance and photosynthesis vary linearly with plant hydraulic conductance in ponderosa pine, , , and . Plant, Cell and Environment, (2001)