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Connected Viscous Filters., , , и . IWCIA, том 5852 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 358-369. Springer, (2009)Índice de contraste morfológico basado en el análisis de los contornos y el fondo de la imagen., , , и . Computación y Sistemas, (2012)Morphological contrast measure and contrast enhancement: One application to the segmentation of brain MRI, , , и . Signal Processing, 87 (9): 2125--2150 (сентября 2007)Ultimate opening: invariants, anamorphoses, and filtering., , , и . J. Electronic Imaging, 27 (06): 063015 (2018)Morphological Contrast Measure and Contrast Mappings: One Application to the Segmentation of Brain MRI., , и . MICAI, том 2972 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 612-621. Springer, (2004)Morphological contrast enhancement using connected transformations., и . Image Processing: Algorithms and Systems, том 4667 из SPIE Proceedings, стр. 365-376. SPIE, (2002)Image Segmentation Based on Transformations with Reconstruction Criteria., и . CAIP, том 2756 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 361-368. Springer, (2003)Transformations with Reconstruction Criteria: Image Segmentation and Filtering., и . ISMM, том 30 из Computational Imaging and Vision, стр. 75-84. Springer, (2005)Morphological segmentation approaches of directional structures based on connections., , , , и . J. Electronic Imaging, 23 (2): 023007 (2014)Morphological contrast index based on the Weber's law., , , , и . Int. J. Imaging Syst. Technol., 22 (2): 137-144 (2012)