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Book reviews, , , and . Statistics, 19 (3): 488--490 (1988)Investigations on the chemical composition of cuticular waxes in twelve Fragaria L. genotypes., , , and . Acta Horticulturae, (2017)Determination of sample sizes in point estimations, , and . Statistics, 15 (1): 73--89 (1984)Book reviews, , , , , , , and . Statistics, 21 (4): 643--648 (1990)Book review, , , , , , , , , and 2 other author(s). Statistics, 25 (1): 89--96 (1993)Stochastic Ordering of Likelihood Ratios and Partial Sufficiency, and . Statistics, 22 (4): 551--558 (1991)Adaptive camouflage: what can be learned from the wetting behaviour of the tropical flat bugs Dysodius lunatus and Dysodius magnus., , , , , , , , , and 1 other author(s). Biology Open, (2017)Ants contribute to pollination but not to reproduction in a rare calcareous grassland forb, , , and . PeerJ, (2018)Rostas, Michael Bollmann, Felix Saville, David Riedel, Michael eng 2018/02/27 PeerJ. 2018 Feb 19;6:e4369. doi: 10.7717/peerj.4369. eCollection 2018..Book review, , , , , and . Statistics, 26 (2): 179--183 (1995)Book reviews. Statistics, 21 (4): 642--642 (1990)