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Distributed Group Key Management for Event Notification Confidentiality Among Sensors., , , , и . IEEE Trans. Dependable Secur. Comput., 17 (3): 566-580 (2020)DELEX: a DEep Learning Emotive eXperience: Investigating empathic HCI., , , и . AVI, стр. 14:1-14:8. ACM, (2020)Prosperity of IT security technologies in homeland defense., , и . J. Ambient Intell. Humaniz. Comput., 5 (2): 169-171 (2014)A cloud-based architecture for emergency management and first responders localization in smart city environments., , , и . Comput. Electr. Eng., (2016)GRASP-based resource re-optimization for effective big data access in federated clouds., , , и . Future Gener. Comput. Syst., (2016)A Forensic Analysis of Images on Online Social Networks., , и . INCoS, стр. 679-684. IEEE Computer Society, (2011)On the Construction of a False Digital Alibi on the Android OS., , , , и . INCoS, стр. 685-690. IEEE Computer Society, (2011)An Energy-Aware Framework for Reliable and Secure End-to-End Ubiquitous Data Communications., , , , и . INCoS, стр. 157-165. IEEE, (2013)The Forensic Analysis of a False Digital Alibi., , , , , и . IMIS, стр. 114-121. IEEE Computer Society, (2012)Countering Browser Fingerprinting Techniques: Constructing a Fake Profile with Google Chrome., , , и . NBiS, стр. 355-360. IEEE Computer Society, (2014)