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Konsistente Evolution von lebenszyklusübergreifenden Variabilitätsmodellen.. Software Engineering (Workshops), volume P-150 of LNI, page 135-139. GI, (2009)Towards Identifying Evolution Smells in Software Product Lines., , , and . Software Engineering (Workshops), volume P-215 of LNI, page 215-219. GI, (2013)Control Action Types -Patterns of Applied Control for Self-adaptive Systems., , and . SEAMS, page 32-43. IEEE, (2023)ADOOPLA - Combining Product-Line- and Product-Level Criteria in Multi-objective Optimization of Product Line Architectures., , and . ECSA, volume 11681 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 126-142. Springer, (2019)Towards efficient analysis of variation in time and space., , , , , , , , and . SPLC (B), page 69:1-69:8. ACM, (2019)On the Challenges of Transforming UVL to IVML., , , , and . CoRR, (2024)Guidelines on the aesthetic quality of UML class diagrams., and . Inf. Softw. Technol., 51 (12): 1686-1698 (2009)Domain Analysis Monitoring Public Dataset Dec 5., , , , , and . (December 2018)A Comprehensive Survey of UML Compliance in Current Modelling Tools., , and . Software Engineering, volume P-143 of LNI, page 39-50. GI, (2009)Control Action Types -- Patterns of Applied Control for Self-adaptive Systems., , and . Software Engineering, volume P-343 of LNI, page 149-150. Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V., (2024)