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The pricing of forward exchange rates. Journal of International Money and Finance, 8 (2): 163--179 (июня 1989)Migration, spillovers, and trade diversion: The impact of internationalization on domestic stock market activity, и . Journal of Banking & Finance, 31 (6): 1595--1612 (июня 2007)Finance and the sources of growth, , и . Journal of Financial Economics, 58 (1-2): 261--300 (2000)Stock markets, banks, and growth: Panel evidence, и . Journal of Banking & Finance, 28 (3): 423--442 (марта 2004)Is there a diversification discount in financial conglomerates?, и . Journal of Financial Economics, 85 (2): 331--367 (августа 2007)Tropics, germs, and crops: how endowments influence economic development, и . Journal of Monetary Economics, 50 (1): 3-39 (января 2003)Bank concentration, competition, and crises: First results, , и . Journal of Banking & Finance, 30 (5): 1581--1603 (мая 2006)Law, endowments, and finance, , и . Journal of Financial Economics, 70 (2): 137--181 (ноября 2003)An empirical inquiry into the nature of the forward exchange rate bias. Journal of International Economics, 30 (3-4): 359--369 (мая 1991)Financial intermediation and growth: Causality and causes, , и . Journal of Monetary Economics, 46 (1): 31--77 (августа 2000)