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3D mirror symmetry detection using Hough transform., , , and . ICIP, page 1772-1775. IEEE, (2008)A Fragile Watermarking Scheme for Authentication of Semi-regular Meshes., , , and . Eurographics (Short Papers), page 5-8. Eurographics Association, (2008)A Comprehensive Survey on Three-Dimensional Mesh Watermarking., , , and . IEEE Trans. Multim., 10 (8): 1513-1527 (2008)Hierarchical Blind Watermarking of 3D Triangular Meshes., , , and . ICME, page 1235-1238. IEEE Computer Society, (2007)Steerable pyramid for contrast enhancement and directional structures detection., , and . EUSIPCO, page 1-4. IEEE, (2002)Three-Dimensional Meshes Watermarking: Review and Attack-Centric Investigation., , , and . Information Hiding, volume 4567 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 50-64. Springer, (2007)A New Algorithm for the Computation of the Minkowski Difference of Convex Polyhedra., , and . Shape Modeling International, page 206-210. IEEE Computer Society, (2010)Symmetry analysis with multiscale descriptor., , , and . Three-Dimensional Image Processing (3DIP) and Applications, volume 7526 of SPIE Proceedings, page 752602. SPIE, (2010)Blind and robust mesh watermarking using manifold harmonics., , , and . ICIP, page 3657-3660. IEEE, (2009)A Benchmark for 3D Mesh Watermarking., , , , and . Shape Modeling International, page 231-235. IEEE Computer Society, (2010)