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A Web Service Reliability Model Based on Birth-Death Process.

, , and . SEKE, page 625-628. Knowledge Systems Institute Graduate School, (2011)

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A Web Service Reliability Model Based on Birth-Death Process., , and . SEKE, page 625-628. Knowledge Systems Institute Graduate School, (2011)Research on Mobile Digital Early Education Model Based on "Parent-Child Accompanied Reading" Software., , , , and . ICCSE, page 556-560. IEEE, (2019)Application of Multi-Scale Feature Fusion and Deep Learning in Detection of Steel Strip Surface Defect., , and . AIAM (IEEE), page 656-661. IEEE, (2019)A Staged Model for Web Service Reliability., , and . COMPSAC, page 564-565. IEEE Computer Society, (2011)Ontology-Based Reliability Evaluation for Web Service., , , and . COMPSAC, page 348-349. IEEE Computer Society, (2011)Wireless Network Attack Defense Algorithm Using Deep Neural Network in Internet of Things Environment., and . Int. J. Wirel. Inf. Networks, 26 (3): 143-151 (2019)Characterization of the Third Descent Points for the k-error Linear Complexity of 2^n 2 n -periodic Binary Sequences., , and . ICICS, volume 9543 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 169-183. Springer, (2015)Coastal Waveform Retracking in the Slick-Rich Sulawesi Sea of Indonesia, Based on Variable Footprint Size with Homogeneous Sea Surface Roughness., , and . Remote Sensing, 11 (11): 1274 (2019)Multi-targets Tracking of Multiple Instance Boosting Combining with Particle Filtering., , , , and . CSOS (2), volume 764 of Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, page 230-240. Springer, (2018)Distribution of the Second Descent Points for the $k$-error Linear Complexity of $2^n$-periodic Binary Sequences., , and . CoRR, (2013)