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A Hybrid Markov Random Field Model for Drug Interaction Prediction., и . ICSH, том 10347 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 249-255. Springer, (2017)Precfix: large-scale patch recommendation by mining defect-patch pairs., , , , , и . ICSE (SEIP), стр. 41-50. ACM, (2020)A probabilistic approach for traffic state estimation., , , и . ITSC, стр. 2595-2600. IEEE, (2016)MedC: Exploring and Predicting Medicine Interactions to Support Integrative Chinese Medicine., , и . ICSH, том 10219 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 155-165. Springer, (2016)Large-scale patch recommendation at Alibaba., , , , , и . ICSE (Companion Volume), стр. 252-253. ACM, (2020)