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Other publications of authors with the same name

SPIRT: A Fault-Tolerant and Reliable Peer-to-Peer Serverless ML Training Architecture., , , , and . QRS, page 650-661. IEEE, (2023)On Securing the Communication in IoT Infrastructure using Elliptic Curve Cryptography., , , , and . QRS Companion, page 758-759. IEEE, (2022)On the Co-evolution of ML Pipelines and Source Code - Empirical Study of DVC Projects., , and . SANER, page 422-433. IEEE, (2021)The Promise of Serverless Computing within Peer-to-Peer Architectures for Distributed ML Training.. AAAI, page 23383-23384. AAAI Press, (2024)Securing AWS Lambda: Advanced Strategies and Best Practices., , , , and . CSCloud, page 113-119. IEEE, (2024)Architecting Peer-to-Peer Serverless Distributed Machine Learning Training for Improved Fault Tolerance., , and . CoRR, (2023)Just-in-time detection of protection-impacting changes on WordPress and MediaWiki., , , , and . CASCON, page 178-188. ACM, (2018)The State of Practice on Virtual Reality (VR) Applications: An Exploratory Study on Github and Stack Overflow., , , , and . QRS, page 356-366. IEEE, (2018)Serverless on Machine Learning: A Systematic Mapping Study., , and . IEEE Access, (2022)Identification of Compromised IoT Devices: Combined Approach Based on Energy Consumption and Network Traffic Analysis., , , and . QRS, page 514-523. IEEE, (2021)