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Detection of Syn Flooding Attacks using Linear Prediction Analysis., , и . ICON, стр. 1-6. IEEE, (2006)Application of the modified group delay function to speaker identification and discrimination., , и . ICASSP (1), стр. 517-520. IEEE, (2004)Spike Estimation From Fluorescence Signals Using High-Resolution Property of Group Delay., , , , и . IEEE Trans. Signal Process., 67 (11): 2923-2936 (2019)Replay Attack Detection in Speaker Verification Using non-voiced segments and Decision Level Feature Switching., , и . SPCOM, стр. 332-336. IEEE, (2018)An Empirical Study of Speech Processing in the Brain by Analyzing the Temporal Syllable Structure in Speech-input Induced EEG., , , и . ICASSP, стр. 4090-4094. IEEE, (2019)Language identification using acoustic log-likelihoods of syllable-like units., и . Speech Commun., 48 (8): 913-926 (2006)Towards Zero-Shot Learning with Fewer Seen Class Examples., , , , и . CoRR, (2020)Reconstruction from Fourier transform phase with applications to speech analysis., , и . ICASSP, стр. 301-304. IEEE, (1987)Analysis of Conversational Speech with Application to Voice Adaptation., , и . ASRU, стр. 765-772. IEEE, (2021)Segmentation and Analysis of Taniavartanam in Carnatic Music Concerts., , , и . ISMIR, стр. 56-63. (2023)