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Force Brushes: Progressive Data-Driven Haptic Selection and Filtering for Multi-Variate Flow Visualizations., , и . EuroVis (Short Papers), Eurographics Association, (2012)Toward mixed method evaluations of scientific visualizations and design process as an evaluation tool., , , , , , и . BELIV, стр. 4. ACM, (2012)Yea Big, Yea High: A 3D User Interface for Surface Selection by Progressive Refinement in Virtual Environments., , и . VR, стр. 320-326. IEEE Computer Society, (2018)Immersive Analytics for Medicine: Hybrid 2D/3D Sketch-Based Interfaces for Annotating Medical Data and Designing Medical Devices., , , , , и . ISS Companion, стр. 107-113. ACM, (2016)OVR Stylus: Designing Pen-Based 3D Input Devices for Virtual Reality.. VR Workshops, стр. 13-18. IEEE, (2020)Lift-Off: Using Reference Imagery and Freehand Sketching to Create 3D Models in VR., и . IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph., 22 (4): 1442-1451 (2016)Supporting internal visualization of biomedical datasets via 3D rapid prototypes and sketch-based gestures., , , , , и . SI3D, стр. 214. ACM, (2011)Understanding Support Vector Machine Classifications via a Recommender System-Like Approach., , , , , и . DMIN, стр. 305-311. CSREA Press, (2009)Bema: A multimodal interface for expert experiential analysis of political assemblies at the Pnyx in ancient Greece., , , , , , и . 3DUI, стр. 19-26. IEEE Computer Society, (2015)Arc-Type and Tilt-Type: Pen-based Immersive Text Input for Room-Scale VR., , и . SUI, стр. 18:1-18:10. ACM, (2020)