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Other publications of authors with the same name

Sentiment mining: An approach for Bengali and Tamil tweets., , , and . IC3, page 1-4. IEEE Computer Society, (2016)ISM@FIRE-2014: Named Entity Recognition for Indian Languages., , , and . FIRE, page 98-102. ACM, (2014)ISM@FIRE-2014: Shared Task on Transliterated Search., and . FIRE, page 65-69. ACM, (2014)ISM@FIRE-2013 Shared Task on Transliterated Search., and . FIRE, page 17:1-17:6. ACM, (2013)ISM@FIRE-2015: Mixed Script Information Retrieval., and . FIRE Workshops, volume 1587 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings, page 55-58., (2015)Sentiment Classification: An Approach for Indian Language Tweets Using Decision Tree., , , and . MIKE, volume 9468 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 656-663. Springer, (2015)