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Inequality aversion and the natural rate of subjective inequality, , and . Journal of Public Economics, 87 (5-6): 1061--1090 (May 2003)Economic inequality and the environment., , and . Environ. Model. Softw., 16 (2): 183-194 (2001)The US Antitrust System and Recent Trends in Antitrust Enforcement, , , and . Journal of Economic Surveys, 14 (3): 255--306 (183 07 2000)doi: 10.1111/1467-6419.00111.INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY LITIGATION ACTIVITY IN THE USA, , and . Journal of Economic Surveys, 20 (4): 715--729 (244 09 2006)doi: 10.1111/j.1467-6419.2006.00264.x.Patent activity and technical change, , and . Journal of Econometrics, 139 (2): 355--375 (August 2007)Editor's introduction : The state of empirical work on economic inequality. Journal of Econometrics, 43 (1-2): 1--3 (00 1990)Editor's introduction : The state of empirical work on economic inequality. Journal of Econometrics, 42 (1): 1--3 (September 1989)Antitrust issues in international comparisons of market structure, , , and . Journal of Econometrics, 113 (1): 129--158 (March 2003)Estimating worklife expectancy: an econometric approach, , , and . Journal of Econometrics, 113 (1): 83--113 (March 2003)A new method to estimate the level and distribution of household human capital with application, and . Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, 11 (1-2): 67--94 (July 2000)