Author of the publication

Discovery of Classification Rules by Using Gene Expression Programming

, , , and . Proceedings of the International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IC-AI'02), page 1355--1361. Las Vegas, U.S.A., (June 2002)

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Using Gene Expression Programming to Construct Sentence Ranking Functions for Text Summarization, , , , , and . Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Computational Linguistics, COLING-2004, page 1381--1384. Geneva, Switzerland, (23-27 August 2004)Nature-Inspired cooperative strategies, , , and . chapter Dynamic Adaptation of Genetic Operators' Probabilities, Springer, (2007)In Press..The role of crossover operator in bayesian network structure learning performance: a comprehensive comparative study and new insights., , and . GECCO, page 769-776. ACM, (2017)Optimizing genetic operator rates using a markov chain model of genetic algorithms., , and . GECCO, page 721-728. ACM, (2010)Adaptive Learning in Machine Summarization., , and . FLAIRS, page 180-181. AAAI Press, (2006)Self-Adaptation of Genetic Operator Probabilities Using Differential Evolution., and . SASO, page 274-275. IEEE Computer Society, (2009)Attribute Constrained Rules for Partially Labeled Sequence Completion., , and . ICDM, volume 5633 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 338-352. Springer, (2009)Wave-shaping in Multiprocessor Bidirectional Heuristic State Space Search., and . EPIA, volume 541 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 92-104. Springer, (1991)Direct evolution of hierarchical solutions with self-emergent substructures., , , and . ICMLA, IEEE Computer Society, (2005)Among-site rate variation: adaptation of genetic algorithm mutation rates at each single site., , , and . GECCO, page 863-870. ACM, (2014)