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Rupture Status Discrimination in Intracranial Aneurysms Using the Centroid-Radii Model., , , and . IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng., 58 (10): 2895-2903 (2011)New inverse method for simultaneous reconstruction of object buried beneath rough ground and the ground surface structure using SAMM forward model., , , and . Computational Imaging, volume 5674 of SPIE Proceedings, page 382-393. SPIE, (2005)Object-Based Reconstruction Using Coupled Tomographic Flows., , , and . ICIP, page 625-628. IEEE, (2000)A doubly adaptive approach to dynamic MRI sequence estimation., , , , and . IEEE Trans. Image Processing, 11 (10): 1168-1178 (2002)Template matching based object recognition with unknown geometric parameters., , and . IEEE Trans. Image Processing, 11 (12): 1385-1396 (2002)New techniques for data fusion in multimodal FMT-CT imaging., , , and . ISBI, page 1597-1600. IEEE, (2008)Subspace-based analysis of the ERT inverse problem., and . Computational Imaging, volume 5299 of SPIE Proceedings, page 315-326. SPIE, (2004)Unstructured Point Cloud Matching within Graph-Theoretic and Thermodynamic Frameworks., and . CVPR (2), page 1008-1015. IEEE Computer Society, (2005)Wavelet Domain Image Restoration using Edge Preserving Prior Models., and . ICIP (2), page 103-107. IEEE Computer Society, (1998)Image Restoration with 1/f-Type Fractal Models and Statistical Estimation of the ModelsParameters., and . ICIP (2), page 88-92. IEEE Computer Society, (1998)