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Area and volume coherence for efficient visualization of 3D scalar functions., , и . VVS, стр. 27-33. ACM, (1990)Three-pass affine transforms for volume rendering.. VVS, стр. 71-78. ACM, (1990)Clockwork: Resource-Efficient Static Scheduling for Multi-Rate Image Processing Applications on FPGAs., , и . FCCM, стр. 186-194. IEEE, (2021)Geometry Caching for Ray-Tracing Displacement Maps., и . Rendering Techniques, стр. 31-40. Springer, (1996)Parallel Computers for Graphics Applications., , , и . ASPLOS, стр. 193-198. ACM Press, (1987)SIGARCH Computer Architecture News 15(5), SIGOPS Operating System Review 21(4), SIGPLAN Notices 22(10).Multiscale Visualization Using Data Cubes "InfoVis 2002 Best Paper"., , и . INFOVIS, стр. 7-14. IEEE Computer Society, (2002)Pomegranate: a fully scalable graphics architecture., , и . SIGGRAPH, стр. 443-454. ACM, (2000)Light Field Rendering., и . SIGGRAPH, стр. 31-42. ACM, (1996)Hierarchical splatting: a progressive refinement algorithm for volume rendering., и . SIGGRAPH, стр. 285-288. ACM, (1991)A language for shading and lighting calculations., и . SIGGRAPH, стр. 289-298. ACM, (1990)