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Probability Collectives for decentralized, distributed optimization: A Collective Intelligence Approach., и . SMC, стр. 1271-1275. IEEE, (2008)Constraint handling in Firefly Algorithm., , и . CYBCONF, стр. 186-190. IEEE, (2013)A modified feasibility-based rule for solving constrained optimization problems using Probability Collectives., , , и . HIS, стр. 213-218. IEEE, (2012)Modified Multi-cohort Intelligence Algorithm with Panoptic Learning for Unconstrained Problems., , и . FICTA (2), том 1177 из Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, стр. 145-153. Springer, (2020)Multi-stopping criterion multi-feature-based multi-objective cohort intelligence algorithm for thermoacoustic engine optimisation., , и . Int. J. Model. Identif. Control., 40 (4): 356-370 (2022)Solving 0-1 Knapsack Problem using Cohort Intelligence Algorithm., и . Int. J. Machine Learning & Cybernetics, 7 (3): 427-441 (2016)Cohort Intelligence: A Self Supervised Learning Behavior., , и . SMC, стр. 1396-1400. IEEE, (2013)Snail Homing and Mating Search Algorithm: A Novel Bio-Inspired Metaheuristic Algorithm., , , и . CoRR, (2023)Solution to Advanced Manufacturing Process Problems using Cohort Intelligence Algorithm with Improved Constraint Handling Approaches., , , , и . CoRR, (2023)JPEG based steganography methods using Cohort Intelligence with Cognitive Computing and modified Multi Random Start Local Search optimization algorithms., и . Inf. Sci., (2018)