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Gromov-Hausdorff Stable Signatures for Shapes using Persistence, , , , и . Computer Graphics Forum (proc. SGP 2009), (2009)Stability and Finiteness Properties of Medial Axis and Skeleton, и . Journal of Dynamical and Control Systems, 10 (2): 149--170 (2004)Stability of boundary measures, , и . Preprint, (2007)Stability and computation of topological invariants of solids in $R^n$, и . Discrete and Computational Geometry, 37 (4): 601--617 (2007)Normal cone approximation and offset shape isotopy, , и . Computational Geometry: Theory and Applications, (2008)The $łambda$-medial axis, и . Graphical Models, 67 (4): 304--331 (2005)