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Mobile Application Implementation as Agriculture 4.0 Strategy for Sugarcane Yield Prediction., , , and . CHIuXiD, page 23-27. IEEE, (2023)Digital Twin (DT) Smart City for Air Quality Management., , , and . ICCSCI, volume 227 of Procedia Computer Science, page 524-533. Elsevier, (2023)Automatic Smart Crawling on Twitter for Weather Information in Indonesia., , , , and . ICCSCI, volume 227 of Procedia Computer Science, page 795-804. Elsevier, (2023)Machine Learning Implementations in Childhood Stunting Research: A Systematic Literature Review., , , , and . ICIMTech, page 229-234. IEEE, (2023)Using transfer learning for smart building management system., , , , and . J. Big Data, (2019)Transfer Learning from Chest X-Ray Pre-trained Convolutional Neural Network for Learning Mammogram Data., , , , and . ICCSCI, volume 135 of Procedia Computer Science, page 400-407. Elsevier, (2018)Designing User Interface with UML and CRUD Concept for IoT-Based Water Quality Analysis Tool., , , , , and . CHIuXiD, page 39-43. IEEE, (2021)A Design of Childhood Stunting Assessment Feature with Agile UX Approach., , , , and . CHIuXiD, page 1-6. IEEE, (2022)Fundamental Components of Microlearning for Sustainable Quality Education: A Systematic Literature Review., , , , and . ICIMTech, page 684-689. IEEE, (2023)Analysis of Acoustic Features in Gender Identification Model for English and Bahasa Indonesia Telephone Speeches., , , , and . ICCSCI, volume 157 of Procedia Computer Science, page 199-204. Elsevier, (2019)