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Weitere Publikationen von Autoren mit dem selben Namen

On the Detection of Side-Channel Attacks., und . PRDC, Seite 185-186. IEEE, (2018)User-Centric Security Assessment of Software Configurations: A Case Study., , , und . ESSoS, Volume 8364 von Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Seite 196-212. Springer, (2014)Gyro: A Modular Scale-Out Layer for Single-Server DBMSs., , und . SRDS, Seite 71-82. IEEE, (2019)BDG-torus union graph-an efficient algorithmically specializedparallel interconnect., , und . SPDP, Seite 407-414. IEEE Computer Society, (1991)Designing High-Performance & Reliable Superscalar Architectures: The out of Order Reliable Superscalar (O3RS) Approach., und . DSN, Seite 473-481. IEEE Computer Society, (2000)On the Use of Formal Techniques for Validation., und . FTCS, Seite 390-399. IEEE Computer Society, (1998)AttackDive: Diving Deep into the Cloud Ecosystem to Explore Attack Surfaces., , und . SCC, Seite 499-502. IEEE Computer Society, (2017)Monitoring Path Discovery for Supporting Indirect Monitoring of Cloud Services., , und . IC2E, Seite 274-277. IEEE Computer Society, (2018)A Lease Based Hybrid Design Pattern for Proper-Temporal-Embedding of Wireless CPS Interlocking., , , , und . IEEE Trans. Parallel Distributed Syst., 26 (10): 2630-2642 (2015)Inferring Performance Bug Patterns from Developer Commits., , und . ISSRE, Seite 70-81. IEEE, (2019)