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A distributed counting architecture for exploring the structure of anonymous active-passive networks., , and . Autom., (2022)Performance Recovery in Event-Triggered State Feedback Control., , , , and . CCTA, page 1134-1139. IEEE, (2023)Engage or Retreat Differential Game with N-Targets and Distributed Defensive Assets., , and . CCTA, page 386-393. IEEE, (2021)Pursuit on a graph using partial information., , and . ACC, page 4269-4275. IEEE, (2015)The Generalized Persistent Monitoring Problem., , , , , and . ACC, page 2783-2788. IEEE, (2019)A Multi-Team Extension of the Consensus-Based Bundle Algorithm., , and . ACC, page 5376-5381. IEEE, (2011)Towards cost-effective distributed information fusion with partially active sensors in directed networks., , , and . CDC, page 4308-4313. IEEE, (2016)A Non-Search Optimal Control Solution for a Team of MUAVS in a Reconnaissance Mission., , and . ICASSP (4), page 1169-1172. IEEE, (2006)Markov inequality rule for switching among time optimal controllers in a multiple vehicle intercept problem., , and . Autom., (2018)Min-max time efficient inspection of ground vehicles by a UAV team., , and . Robotics Auton. Syst., (2020)