Author of the publication

Type-Safe Method Inlining.

, and . ECOOP, volume 2374 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 525-544. Springer, (2002)

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Type Inference for Objects.. ACM Comput. Surv., 28 (2): 358-359 (1996)Constrained Types and Their Expressiveness., and . ACM Trans. Program. Lang. Syst., 18 (5): 519-527 (1996)What is Type-Safe Code Reuse?, and . ECOOP, volume 512 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 325-341. Springer, (1991)Vertical Object Layout and Compression for Fixed Heaps., and . Semantics and Algebraic Specification, volume 5700 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 376-408. Springer, (2009)Overloading Is NP-Complete - A Tutorial Dedicated to Dexter Kozen.. Logic and Program Semantics, volume 7230 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 204-218. Springer, (2012)The Essence of Eta-Expansion in Partial Evaluation., , and . PEPM, page 11-20. University of Melbourne, Australia, Department of Computer Science, (1994)Stack size analysis for interrupt-driven programs., , , , , and . Inf. Comput., 194 (2): 144-174 (2004)A Denotational Semantics of Inheritance and its Correctness., and . OOPSLA, page 433-443. ACM, (1989)SIGPLAN Notices 24(10).Eta-expansion does The Trick, , and . ACM Trans. Program. Lang. Syst., 18 (6): 730--751 (1996)Modern Compiler Implementation in Java, 2nd edition., and . Cambridge University Press, (2002)