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A Robotic Device for Minimally Invasive Breast Interventions with Real-Time MRI Guidance.

, , and . BIBE, page 190-. IEEE Computer Society, (2003)

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Development of a Robotic Device for MRI-Guided Interventions in the Breast., , , , and . BIBE, page 201-208. IEEE Computer Society, (2001)Dense U-Nets for Enhancement of Undersampled MRI Using Cross-Contrast Feature Transfer., , , and . BIBE, page 50-56. IEEE, (2023)Cardiac MRI Intervention and Diagnosis via Deformable Collaborative Tracking., , and . FIMH, volume 6666 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 188-194. Springer, (2011)Noise Sensitive Trajectory Planning for MR Guided TAVI., , , , , and . FIMH, volume 10263 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 195-203. Springer, (2017)3D Reconstruction of Tubular Structure Using Radially Deployed Projections., , , , and . MIPR, page 322-327. IEEE, (2019)A Prototype Holographic Augmented Reality Interface for Image-Guided Prostate Cancer Interventions., , , , , , , , , and 4 other author(s). VCBM@MICCAI, page 17-21. Eurographics Association, (2018)MR-Based Real Time Path Planning for Cardiac Operations with Transapical Access., , , , , and . MICCAI (1), volume 6891 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 25-32. Springer, (2011)Dynamic Guidance Virtual Fixtures for Guiding Robotic Interventions: Intraoperative MRI-guided Transapical Cardiac Intervention Paradigm., , , , , and . BIBE, page 265-270. IEEE, (2022)Holographic Interface for three-dimensional Visualization of MRI on HoloLens: A Prototype Platform for MRI Guided Neurosurgeries., , , , , , and . BIBE, page 21-27. IEEE Computer Society, (2017)A Robotic Device for Minimally Invasive Breast Interventions with Real-Time MRI Guidance., , and . BIBE, page 190-. IEEE Computer Society, (2003)