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Movable Antenna-Enabled Co-Frequency Co-Time Full-Duplex Wireless Communication., , , , , and . IEEE Commun. Lett., 28 (10): 2412-2416 (October 2024)Multi-weighted Graphs Learning for Passenger Count Prediction on Railway Network., , , , and . COMPSAC, page 374-382. IEEE, (2022)Bolt Loosening Detection Method Based on Improved YOLOv8 and Image Matching., , , and . IEEE Access, (2025)Multi-Horizon Visitor Forecasting for a Shopping Mall with Limited Historical Data Under Covid -19 Pandemic., , , , , , and . DASC/PiCom/CBDCom/CyberSciTech, page 792-798. IEEE, (2023)Estimating Causal Effects using Bayesian Methods with the R Package BayesCACE., , , , and . R J., 15 (1): 297-315 (March 2023)A New Dynamical Method for Bearing Fault Diagnosis Based on Optimal Regulation of Resonant Behaviors in a Fluctuating-Mass-Induced Linear Oscillator., , , and . Sensors, 21 (3): 707 (2021)Rapid evidence synthesis approach for limits on the search date: How rapid could it be?, , , , , , and . (2021)Auxiliary Factor Method for Nyquist Filters with Reduced Complexity and Delay., , , and . ITNAC, page 1-6. IEEE, (2022)Improved Fractional Delay Method for Canceling the Self-Interference of Full Duplex., , , and . IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol., 72 (2): 2599-2603 (February 2023)Cooperative Mechanism of SME Growth in the Mesoscopic Structure With Strategic and Nonstrategic Partners., , , and . IEEE Intell. Syst., 35 (3): 7-18 (2020)