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Asymptotic complexity of Monte Carlo methods for solving linear systems

, , and . Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 85 (1-2): 5--18 (Apr 1, 2000)

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Discrete Analogue of the Neumann Method is not Optimal., and . FCT, volume 278 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 109-112. Springer, (1987)A Simplest Probability Model of Asynchronous Iterations., and . FCT, volume 278 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 113-115. Springer, (1987)On asymptotic minimaxity of rank tests. Statistics & Probability Letters, 15 (3): 191--196 (Oct 21, 1992)Asymptotic complexity of Monte Carlo methods for solving linear systems, , and . Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 85 (1-2): 5--18 (Apr 1, 2000)