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Weitere Publikationen von Autoren mit dem selben Namen

Partitioned Parallel Radix Sort., , , und . ISHPC, Volume 1940 von Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Seite 160-171. Springer, (2000)Performance Evaluation of the Multiple Root Node Approach to the Rete Pattern Matcher for Production Systems., und . FGCS, Seite 977-984. IOS Press, (1992)Partitioned Parallel Radix Sort., , , und . J. Parallel Distributed Comput., 62 (4): 656-668 (2002)Spatial aggregation of holistically-nested convolutional neural networks for automated pancreas localization and segmentation., , , , , , und . Medical Image Anal., (2018)Parallel Satisfiability Test with Synchronous Simulated Annealing on Distributed-Memory Multiprocessor.. J. Parallel Distributed Comput., 36 (2): 195-204 (1996)Spatial Aggregation of Holistically-Nested Networks for Automated Pancreas Segmentation., , , , und . MICCAI (2), Volume 9901 von Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Seite 451-459. (2016)DRIVE - Dispatching Requests Indirectly through Virtual Environment., , , und . HPCC, Seite 61-68. IEEE Computer Society, (2008)S-HARP: A Scalable Parallel Dynamic Partitioner for Adaptive Mesh-based Computations., und . SC, Seite 30. IEEE Computer Society, (1998)Data-Driven Multiprocessor Implementation of the Rete Match Algorithm., , und . ICPP (1), Seite 256-260. Pennsylvania State University Press, (1988)Autonomous learning for efficient resource utilization of dynamic VM migration., , , und . ICS, Seite 185-194. ACM, (2008)