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Economics of Conflict: An Overview, и . Handbook of Defense Economics, (2007)Competing for claims to property, и . CES working paper series CES, Munich, (1995)Comparing Bargaining Solutions in the Shadow of Conflict: How Norms against Threats Can Have Real Effects., , и . J. Econ. Theory, 106 (1): 1-16 (2002)Self-insurance and self-protection, и . Münchener wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Beiträge Univ., Volkswirtschaftliche Fak., München, (1993)Costly enforcement of property rights and the Coase theorem, и . CESifo working paper series Univ., Center for Economic Studies, Munich, (2002)Extortion, и . Discussion paper / Sonderforschungsbereich 303 "Information und die Koordination wirtschaftlicher Aktivitäten", Projektbereich A, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn SFB 303, Univ., Bonn, (1994)