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Design and Implementation Issues in Agent-oriented Knowledge Base.

, , , and . Neural Networks and Computational Intelligence, page 239-244. IASTED/ACTA Press, (2003)

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Further Pruning for Efficient Association Rule Discovery., and . Australian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, volume 2256 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 605-618. Springer, (2001)Matching biomedical ontologies based on formal concept analysis., , , and . J. Biomed. Semant., 9 (1): 11:1-11:27 (2018)Identifying Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for the Enforcement Problem of Argumentation Frameworks., and . PRIMA, volume 13753 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 659-668. Springer, (2022)Extension Removal in Abstract Argumentation: Necessary and Sufficient Conditions., and . ICA, page 83-88. IEEE, (2023)YABKO-Yet Another Big Knowledge Organization., , , , and . ICBK, page 245-252. IEEE, (2021)HAPE: A programmable big knowledge graph platform., , , , , , and . Inf. Sci., (2020)Reflections on: Reasoning and Querying Web-scale Open Data based on DL-LiteA in a Divide-and-Conquer Way., , and . JT@ISWC, volume 2576 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings,, (2019)Combining FCA-Map with representation learning for aligning large biomedical ontologies., , , and . OM@ISWC, volume 3063 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings, page 207-208., (2021)The foundational model of anatomy in OWL: Experience and perspectives, , and . Web Semantics: Science, Services and Agents on the World Wide Web, 4 (3): 181 - 195 (2006)Semantic Web for Life Sciences.Augmenting Embedding with Domain Knowledge for Oral Disease Diagnosis Prediction., , , , and . SmartCom, volume 11344 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 236-250. Springer, (2018)