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Performance improvement of TCP with delayed ACKs in IEEE 802.11 wireless LANs., and . WCNC, page 1703-1708. IEEE, (2004)Dimensioning an Indoor SISO RIS-system: Approximations and Equivalence Models., , , and . CoRR, (2021)Development of MEC system for indigenous 5G Test-Bed., , , , , , , , , and 4 other author(s). COMSNETS, page 131-133. IEEE, (2021)Decision Problems for Joint Transmission in Multi-AP Coordination Framework of IEEE 802.11be., , , , and . COMSNETS, page 326-333. IEEE, (2021)Standardization aspects of Tactile applications on Multi-access Edge Computing., , , , , and . COMSNETS, page 899-904. IEEE, (2022)Hold on to your Complex Phase Estimation Algorithms for Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces., , and . ANTS, page 265-269. IEEE, (2022)On limiting Delay and Jitter characteristics at application-layer of Multi-connected Systems., , , , and . 5G World Forum, page 36-41. IEEE, (2020)Stochastic Models for Throughput Analysis of Randomly Arriving Elastic Flows in the Internet., and . INFOCOM, page 1014-1023. IEEE Computer Society, (2002)3GPP-based Testbed for Edge Computing; Architecture, Implementation and Application Deployment., , , and . ANTS, page 515-520. IEEE, (2023)Improved Packet Detection in LoRa-like Chirp Spread Spectrum Systems., and . ANTS, page 1-4. IEEE, (2019)