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Mining the Core Member of Terrorist Crime Group Based on Social Network Analysis.

, , , , and . PAISI, volume 4430 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 311-313. Springer, (2007)

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Mining the Core Member of Terrorist Crime Group Based on Social Network Analysis., , , , and . PAISI, volume 4430 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 311-313. Springer, (2007)Target Tracking Algorithm Combining Improved GMS and Correlation Filtering., , , , , and . CCRIS, page 26-31. ACM, (2020)Product customization, , and . European Economic Review, 51 (6): 1396--1422 (August 2007)Mining Multi-dimensional Frequent Patterns Without Data Cube Construction., , , , , , , and . PRICAI, volume 4099 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 251-260. Springer, (2006)Development of a mobile APP for the operation monitoring and health management system of a steam turbine., , , , , , , , , and 1 other author(s). ICARM, page 386-390. IEEE, (2017)Glioma Image Segmentation Method on Fully Convolutional Neural Network., , , , , and . ICBIP, page 46-53. ACM, (2021)Customer information sharing among rival firms, and . European Economic Review, 50 (6): 1571--1600 (August 2006)Joint Coded Caching and Resource Allocation for Multimedia Service in Space-Air-Ground Integrated Networks., , , , , and . IEEE Trans. Commun., 72 (11): 6839-6853 (November 2024)Hip, knee and ankle motion angle detection based on inertial sensor., , , , , , , , , and 5 other author(s). ICIA, page 1612-1617. IEEE, (2016)Multi-population Parallel Genetic Algorithm for Economic Statistical Information Mining Based on Gene Expression Programming., , , , , and . ICNC (3), page 461-465. IEEE Computer Society, (2007)