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Weitere Publikationen von Autoren mit dem selben Namen

Proposal of ad-hoc multicasting based on OFDM cooperative communication., , und . ICNC, Seite 825-830. IEEE, (2014)Simple Active Period Selection Scheme for Cluster-Based IEEE 802.15.4 WSNs with Dynamic Network Changes., , und . VTC Spring, Seite 1-5. IEEE, (2013)Dynamic cell configuration scheme for common channel communications in CDMA cellular packet systems., und . ICC, Seite 159-163. IEEE, (2004)Dynamic Subband and Code Channel Assignment for Multicast Band Division MC-CDMA Systems., , , und . PIMRC, Seite 1-5. IEEE, (2006)Feasible cooperative communication with IEEE 802.11a based devices for multi-hop networks., , und . CCNC, Seite 91-98. IEEE, (2016)Traffic adaptive backoff for inter-cluster communications in IEEE802.15.4 cluster-based wireless sensor networks with spatial non-uniform traffic., , und . ICST, Seite 310-315. IEEE, (2015)End-to-End Neural Bridging Resolution., , und . COLING, Seite 766-778. International Committee on Computational Linguistics, (2022)Characterization of the OFDM cooperative communication on the assumption IEEE802.11a., , , und . ICMU, Seite 44-49. IEEE Computer Society, (2014)Proposal of Time Domain Channel Estimation Method for MIMO-OFDM Systems., , , und . WISATS, Volume 154 von Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, Seite 215-228. Springer, (2015)A matching-based strategy for AP selection in sustainable heterogeneous wireless networks., , und . ISCC, Seite 103-107. IEEE Computer Society, (2016)