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Exploring the use of RPAs as 5G points of presence., , , , and . EuCNC, page 27-31. IEEE, (2016)Investigating the causes of congestion on the african IXP substrate., , and . Internet Measurement Conference, page 57-63. ACM, (2017)MONCHi: MONitoring for Cloud-native Hyperconnected Islands., , , and . EPEW, volume 14231 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 294-308. Springer, (2023)A virtualization approach to validate services and subsystems of a MALE UAS., , , , , and . INFOCOM Workshops, page 1-6. IEEE, (2022)A NFV system to support configurable and automated multi-UAV service deployments., , , , and . DroNet@MobiSys, page 39-44. ACM, (2018)Security for multipath TCP: a constructive approach., , , and . Int. J. Internet Protoc. Technol., 6 (3): 146-155 (2011)Nozzilla: A Peer-to-Peer IPTV Distribution Service for an IMS-Based NGN, , , and . ICNS '09: Proceedings of the 2009 Fifth International Conference on Networking and Services, page 450--455. Washington, DC, USA, IEEE Computer Society, (2009)QoS Management in Fixed Broadband Residential Gateways., , , and . MMNS, volume 3754 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 338-349. Springer, (2005)QoS and Authentication Experiences in a Residential Environment Within a Broadband Access Framework., , , , , and . WWIC, volume 4517 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 91-102. Springer, (2007)Seamless Incorporation of Agents in an E-Commerce Intermediation Platform., , , , , , and . MATA, volume 2521 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 292-301. Springer, (2002)