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Ordinary differential equation models for ethanol pharmacokinetic based on anatomy and physiology.

, , , , and . EMBC, page 5033-5036. IEEE, (2006)

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Estimating brain microvascular blood flows from partial two-photon microscopy data by computation with a circuit model., , , and . EMBC, page 174-177. IEEE, (2011)A parallel software toolkit for statistical 3-D virus reconstructions from cryo electron microscopy images using computer clusters with multi-core shared-memory nodes., and . IPDPS, page 1-11. IEEE, (2008)Bayesian Spatial Classifiers Based on Tree Approximations to Markov Random Fields., and . ICIP (2), page 202-206. IEEE Computer Society, (1994)Reconstruction of viruses from solution X-ray scattering data., and . ICIP, page 434-437. IEEE Computer Society, (1995)3D reconstruction based on single-particle cryo electron microscopy images as a random signal in noise problem., , and . Computational Imaging, volume 8296 of SPIE Proceedings, page 82960A. IS&T/SPIE, (2012)3-D understanding of electron microscopy images of nano bio objects by computing generative mechanical models., and . ICIP, page 3161-3165. IEEE, (2016)Reconstruction for stochastic 3-D signals with symmetric statistics in noise: Electron microscopy of virus particles., and . ICIP, page 1444-1447. IEEE, (2015)3-D Reconstructions of Tailed Bacteriophages from CYRO Electron Microscopy Images., , and . ICIP, page 917-920. IEEE, (2006)Highly scalable methods for exploiting a label with unknown location in order to orient a set of single-particle cryo electron microscopy images., , , and . Computational Imaging, volume 8296 of SPIE Proceedings, page 82960B. IS&T/SPIE, (2012)3-D maximum likelihood reconstructions of viruses from cryo electron microscope images and parallel computation., , and . ICIP (2), page 617-620. IEEE, (2002)