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Application of support vector machines to breast cancer screening using mammogram and clinical history data.

, , , , , and . Image Processing, volume 5032 of SPIE Proceedings, SPIE, (2003)

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Application of support vector machines to breast cancer screening using mammogram and clinical history data., , , , , and . Image Processing, volume 5032 of SPIE Proceedings, SPIE, (2003)Application of evolutionary computation and neural network hybrids for breast cancer classification using mammogram and history data., , , and . CEC, page 1147-1154. IEEE, (2001)Breast cancer computer aided diagnosis (CAD) using a recently developed SVM/GRNN Oracle hybrid., , , , and . SMC, page 4705-4711. IEEE, (2003)Applying Support Vector Machines to Breast Cancer Diagnosis using Screen Film Mammogram Data., , , , , and . CBMS, page 224-. IEEE Computer Society, (2004)An adaptive image segmentation process for the classification of lung biopsy images., , , , and . Image Processing, volume 6144 of SPIE Proceedings, page 614452. SPIE, (2006)Performance tradeoff between evolutionary computation (EC)/adaptive boosting (AB) hybrid and support vector machine breast cancer classification paradigms., , , , and . IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, page 187-192. IEEE, (2002)Application of adaptive boosting to EP-derived multilayer feed-forward neural networks (MLFN) to improve benign/malignant breast cancer classification., , , and . Image Processing, volume 4322 of SPIE Proceedings, SPIE, (2001)Improving the predictive value of mammography using a specialized evolutionary programming hybrid and fitness functions., , , and . Image Processing, volume 5032 of SPIE Proceedings, SPIE, (2003)Breast cancer classification improvements using a new kernel function with evolutionary-programming-configured support vector machines., , , and . Image Processing, volume 5370 of SPIE Proceedings, SPIE, (2004)New results in computer-aided diagnosis (CAD) of breast cancer using a recently developed SVM/GRNN Oracle hybrid., , , , , , and . Image Processing, volume 5370 of SPIE Proceedings, SPIE, (2004)