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Weitere Publikationen von Autoren mit dem selben Namen

A fuzzy logic approach to fault-tolerant scheduling of semi-automated assembly systems*., , , , , und . SysTol, Seite 261-266. IEEE, (2021)Fault-Tolerant Design of a Balanced Two-Wheel Scooter., , und . KKA, Volume 1196 von Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Seite 1399-1410. Springer, (2020)A Virtual Fuzzy Actuator for the Fault-tolerant Control of a Rescue Vehicle.. FUZZ-IEEE, Seite 1-8. IEEE, (2020)A multi-agent reinforcement learning approach for the efficient control of mobile robot., , , und . IDAACS, Seite 867-873. IEEE, (2013)Health aware fault-tolerant forklift design and control in industry 4.0., , , und . SysTol, Seite 255-260. IEEE, (2021)Remaining Useful Life Prediction for Components of Automated Guided Vehicles., und . AHFE (20), Volume 971 von Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Seite 420-429. Springer, (2019)Towards Robust Predictive Fault-Tolerant Control For A Battery Assembly System., , , und . Int. J. Appl. Math. Comput. Sci., 25 (4): 849-862 (2015)Using transdisciplinary problem-oriented teaching approaches to inspire students for the diversity of engineering sciences., , , , , und . EDUCON, Seite 102-107. IEEE, (2022)Simulation of a hydraulic pump application for monitoring and diagnosis methods., , , , und . CASE, Seite 341-345. IEEE, (2011)Integration of Fault-Tolerant Design and Fault-Tolerant Control of Automated Guided Vehicles., und . PCC (1), Volume 708 von Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, Seite 277-286. Springer, (2023)