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Other publications of authors with the same name

On the Impact of Pull Request Decisions on Future Contributions., , and . BENEVOL, volume 2361 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings, page 46-50., (2018)PaReco: patched clones and missed patches among the divergent variants of a software family., , , , , , and . ESEC/SIGSOFT FSE, page 646-658. ACM, (2022)When GitHub meets CRAN: An Analysis of Inter-Repository Package Dependency Problems, , , and . (2016)An empirical comparison of dependency issues in OSS packaging ecosystems., , and . SANER, page 2-12. IEEE Computer Society, (2017)How Magic Is Zero?: An Empirical Analysis of Initial Development Releases in Three Software Package Distributions., and . ICSE (Workshops), page 695-702. ACM, (2020)A bot identification model and tool based on GitHub activity sequences., , and . J. Syst. Softw., (2025)On Package Freshness in Linux Distributions., , and . ICSME, page 682-686. IEEE, (2020)Back to the Past - Analysing Backporting Practices in Package Dependency Networks., , , and . IEEE Trans. Software Eng., 48 (10): 4087-4099 (2022)Variant Forks - Motivations and Impediments., , , , , and . SANER, page 867-877. IEEE, (2022)A Preliminary Study of GitHub Actions Dependencies., , and . SATToSE, volume 3483 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings, page 66-77., (2023)