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Joint Optimization of Computation Offloading and Power Allocation Based on DRL in Secure LEO Satellite Edge Computing System., , , and . ICCT, page 1668-1671. IEEE, (2023)A3GAN: Attribute-Aware Anonymization Networks for Face De-identification., , , , , and . ACM Multimedia, page 5303-5313. ACM, (2022)Frequency-tuned active contour model., , , , , and . Neurocomputing, (2018)Polar codes with the unequal error protection property., , , and . Comput. Commun., (2018)Pulmonary Artery Segmentation Based on Three-Dimensional Region Growth Approach., , , , and . ICIG (2), volume 11902 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 548-557. Springer, (2019)On the Analysis and Optimization of BER Performance of Symmetrical Coding Based NOMA., , , and . WCNC Workshops, page 1-6. IEEE, (2021)Deepmix: Online Auto Data Augmentation for Robust Visual Object Tracking., , , , , , and . ICME, page 1-6. IEEE, (2021)Auto-Exposure Fusion for Single-Image Shadow Removal., , , , , , , and . CVPR, page 10571-10580. Computer Vision Foundation / IEEE, (2021)The Application of Machine-Learning on Lower Limb Motion Analysis in Human Exoskeleton System., , and . ICSR, volume 7621 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 600-611. Springer, (2012)An adaptive CAC algorithm based on fair utility for low earth orbit satellite networks., , and . COMSWARE, page 234-238. IEEE, (2008)