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Ramanujan Graphs and Diagrams Function Field Approach.. Expanding Graphs, volume 10 of DIMACS Series in Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science, page 111-116. DIMACS/AMS, (1992)Natural Bounded Concentrators. Combinatorica, 15 (1): 111--122 (1995)Ramanujan Diagrams.. SIAM J. Discret. Math., 7 (4): 560-570 (1994)דיאגרמות רמאנוג'אן ובניות מפורשות של גרפים מרחיבים (Ramanujan diagrams and explicit construction of expanding graphs.).. Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel, (1990)Explicit Construction of Natural Bounded Concentrators. FOCS, page 392-397. IEEE Computer Society, (1991)