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Hierarchical region based stereo matching., , , и . CVPR, стр. 416-421. IEEE, (1989)Low-Cost Multi-image Based 3D Human Body Modeling., , и . MIRAGE, том 5496 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 265-276. Springer, (2009)3D Reconstruction of a Human Face from Images Using Morphological Adaptation., , и . MIRAGE, том 4418 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 212-224. Springer, (2007)3D model-based marker-less human motion tracking in cluttered environment., и . ICCV Workshops, стр. 1042-1049. IEEE Computer Society, (2009)Morphological Modeling and Deformation of 3D Object.. Shape Modeling International, стр. 201-204. IEEE Computer Society, (2002)Discrete models for energy-minimizing segmentation., и . ICCV, стр. 200-207. IEEE Computer Society, (1993)Collaboration between computer graphics and computer vision.. ICCV, стр. 733-737. IEEE Computer Society, (1990)A New Buckling Model for Cloth Simulation., и . MIRAGE, том 6930 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 251-261. Springer, (2011)Towards a Vision System for a Domestic Robot.. Graphics and Robotics, стр. 229-247. Springer, (1993)Shape and Motion Estimation from Geometric Primitives in Video Streams., , и . MVA, стр. 459-462. (2000)