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Weitere Publikationen von Autoren mit dem selben Namen

Priority Maps for Surveillance and Intervention of Wildfires and other Spreading Processes., und . ICRA, Seite 739-745. IEEE, (2019)Sparse Resource Allocation for Spreading Processes on Temporal-Switching Networks., und . CoRR, (2023)Convex optimization in identification of stable non-linear state space models., , , , und . CDC, Seite 7232-7237. IEEE, (2010)Unconstrained Parametrization of Dissipative and Contracting Neural Ordinary Differential Equations., , , , und . CDC, Seite 3043-3048. IEEE, (2023)On the Equivalence of Contraction and Koopman Approaches for Nonlinear Stability and Control., und . CDC, Seite 4609-4614. IEEE, (2021)Vision-Based Interception of a Moving Target by a Mobile Robot., , und . CCA, Seite 397-402. IEEE, (2007)Robust Control of Dynamic Walking Robots Using Transverse H∞., und . ICRA, Seite 418-425. IEEE, (2018)Continuous-time Dynamic Realization for Nonlinear Stabilization via Control Contraction Metrics., und . ACC, Seite 1619-1624. IEEE, (2020)Nonlinear stabilization via Control Contraction Metrics: A pseudospectral approach for computing geodesics., und . ACC, Seite 1284-1289. IEEE, (2017)Multi-Stage Sparse Resource Allocation for Control of Spreading Processes over Networks., und . ACC, Seite 3632-3639. IEEE, (2022)