Autor der Publikation

A Novel Behavior-Based Peer-to-Peer Trust Model.

, , und . GCC, Volume 3795 von Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Seite 947-952. Springer, (2005)

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Weitere Publikationen von Autoren mit dem selben Namen

Conjugated Small Molecule for Efficient Hole Transport in High-Performance p-i-n Type Perovskite Solar Cells, , , , , , und . Advanced Functional Materials, 27 (31): n/a--n/a (2017)Understanding User Acceptance of Micro-Blog Services in China Using the Extended Motivational Model., , und . PACIS, Seite 214. (2013)Labeled topic detection of open source software from mining mass textual project profiles., , , und . Software Mining, Seite 17-24. ACM, (2012)Lie Symmetry Analysis for the Degasperis-Procesi Equation Based on Maple., und . ICICA (2), Volume 308 von Communications in Computer and Information Science, Seite 293-299. Springer, (2012)An Efficient Online Algorithm for Dynamic SDN Controller Assignment in Data Center Networks., , und . IEEE/ACM Trans. Netw., 25 (5): 2788-2801 (2017)Optimizing Precision for Open-World Website Fingerprinting.. CoRR, (2018)Observational evidence of a slow downfall of star formation efficiency in massive galaxies during the last 10 Gyr, , , , , , , und . (2016)cite arxiv:1601.04226Comment: 21 pages, 15 figures, submitted for publication in A&A.A bio-inspired olfactory model using hierarchical temporal memory., , , und . BMEI, Seite 923-927. IEEE, (2012)On the number of system separations in power system., und . ISCAS, Seite 918-921. IEEE, (2015)Prediction of Employee Promotion Based on Personal Basic Features and Post Features., , , , und . ICDPA, Seite 5-10. ACM, (2018)