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Do Long-term Patents Have a Higher Citation Impact?, , и . IEEM, стр. 1518-1522. IEEE, (2018)A study of the evolution of interdisciplinarity in library and information science: Using three bibliometric methods, и . Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 63 (1): 22-33 (2012)A two-dimensional approach to performance evaluation for a large number of research institutions., , и . J. Assoc. Inf. Sci. Technol., 63 (4): 817-828 (2012)Counting methods, country rank changes, and counting inflation in the assessment of national research productivity and impact., , и . J. Assoc. Inf. Sci. Technol., 62 (12): 2427-2436 (2011)Semiconductor Industry Value Chain - Characters' Technology Evolution., , и . Ind. Manag. Data Syst., 111 (3): 370-390 (2010)Structure of Litigation Relationship Network among Dental Companies and Patent Portfolio Strategy - A Social Network Analysis., и . ISSI, стр. 1975-1984. Edizioni Efesto, (2019)Does patentometrics represent valid patents?, и . ISSI, стр. 2724-2725. Edizioni Efesto, (2019)Technological evolution seen from the USPC reclassifications., , и . Scientometrics, 107 (2): 537-553 (2016)Detecting research fronts in OLED field using bibliographic coupling with sliding window., и . Scientometrics, 98 (3): 1721-1744 (2014)International collaboration and counting inflation in the assessment of national research productivity., и . ASIST, том 47 из Proc. Assoc. Inf. Sci. Technol., стр. 1-4. Wiley, (2010)