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Other publications of authors with the same name

On the Convergence of Certified Robust Training with Interval Bound Propagation., , , and . ICLR,, (2022)A Deep Sequential Model for Discourse Parsing on Multi-Party Dialogues., and . AAAI, page 7007-7014. AAAI Press, (2019)Effective Robustness against Natural Distribution Shifts for Models with Different Training Data., , , , , , and . CoRR, (2023)Fast Certified Robust Training with Short Warmup., , , , and . NeurIPS, page 18335-18349. (2021)Lyapunov-stable Neural Control for State and Output Feedback: A Novel Formulation for Efficient Synthesis and Verification., , , , , and . CoRR, (2024)On the Sensitivity and Stability of Model Interpretations in NLP., , , and . ACL (1), page 2631-2647. Association for Computational Linguistics, (2022)Defending LLMs against Jailbreaking Attacks via Backtranslation., , , and . ACL (Findings), page 16031-16046. Association for Computational Linguistics, (2024)Improving the Generation Quality of Watermarked Large Language Models via Word Importance Scoring., , , and . CoRR, (2023)Efficiently Computing Local Lipschitz Constants of Neural Networks via Bound Propagation., , , , and . NeurIPS, (2022)Lyapunov-stable Neural Control for State and Output Feedback: A Novel Formulation., , , , , and . ICML,, (2024)